Dear Blawg,
I haven't forgotten about you. The past four months have just been a whirlwind of crazy and not enough running thrown in to make posting terribly worthwhile. I have thought about things I would write: how my body keeps alternating between healthy and not quite; how every so often I would run and remember how much I loved it but it was still winter and I wasn't mentally or physically ready; how Denver received more snow in March, April and May (?!) than the rest of the winter; how I moved in with my love and got straight As in the classes I took this semester. So far, this year has been all kinds of ridiculous and not at all easy.
But that is all for another post, perhaps, or maybe I'll just keep most of it to myself and my journals. This post is about the fact that within the past 20 minutes, I found myself registering for my Third marathon. This time, it is the Philadelphia Marathon. Come mid-November, I will be in Philadelphia, running with a woman and friend who invited me to do this and who inspires me on a daily basis. I am going to do this race for so many reasons, again, which I will save for another post. For now though, I just want to say that I am terrified and beyond excited and eager to begin training and blogging once more.
Writing is one of the greatest catharses in my life, as is running. It makes all too much sense to me to combine both in one epic quest for enlightenment. Or peace. Or a better finishing time. All of those things! This marathon and training will be unlike either before it: I am working on being So Healthy! So, tune in and stop back because I'll be updating my medical adventures and running adventures and school and goals and maybe some recipes and Everything awesome in my life, along with the struggles that keep us real.
Thanks for hanging around. Here's to believing in ourselves and making lofty goals realities!
Running (a lot) more. Thinking less. Loving it all, so much.
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